Fall Back, Gain +1 Hour Sleep and Change Your Spot Cooler Filter

Written by Tina Behnke | Nov 7, 2011 8:27:00 PM

When Daylight Savings Time ends in the US, what better time to take care of a few housekeeping items.  OK, I'll admit, the BEST part about Daylight Savings Time ending is the EXTRA hour of sleep ZZZZZZZ... gotta love it!  That means you'll be all the more rested to tackle this short list of housekeeping items for your business.

  1. Change Filters -- your spot cooler, air conditioner and heater will work better with clean filters.  You may change your filter more often (hopefully!) but if not, now is the perfect time.  Proper maintenance will extend equipment life and increase operating efficiency.  If you have filters on your drinking water, replace the filters now.

  2. Change Batteries -- check all items that require batteries.  This includes smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors and thermostats.

  3. Check Security Lighting -- do you have dusk to dawn lighting at your facility?  With darkness coming earlier, now is the time to see if any bulbs need to be replaced. 

  4. Check First Aid Kit -- many small to mid-sized offices may not have a First Aid Kit program in place.  Check to see if you need to replenish your supply of band-aids, over-the-counter pain killers and antiseptic ointments.

  5. Publish Holiday Policy -- with the Thanksgiving, Hanukkah and Christmas holidays right around the corner, now is the perfect time to publish your holiday policy.  This will allow employees to plan their vacation time with family and friends. Here at AirPac, we get the day after Thanksgiving and the WEEK between Christmas and New Year's as PAID vacation.  Great place to work, don't you think!

  6. Plan Holiday Party -- figure out what you will do -- if anything -- to celebrate the holidays in the office.  Do you allow employees to decorate?  Bring in a covered dish meal?  Order a lunch for the office?  Don't wait till the last minute to work out the details or you'll be stressed and might even be disappointed if you can't work out the details.

Did I miss anything?  Is there some other task you tend to this time of year?  Please comment and add to the list.  What's your #7?

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