History of Air Conditioning and Spot Cooling [Infographic]

Written by Tina Behnke | Sep 26, 2012 11:15:00 AM

Have to admit, I'm a history geek.  Actually, I'm a story lover.  I find the "story" of just about anything -- countries, cultures, and yes, even air conditioning and spot cooling to be facinating. No matter how familiar I am with a subject, I always learn something new!

So when I saw the Brief History of Air Conditioning by Popular Mechanics I thought it would be, well, cool, to put the information into a timeline and expand it to include the spot cooling industry.  As much as I love history, I love me a good graphic -- a visual representation really helps me get my head around the subject.

So take a look and let me know what you think.  I bet you'll learn something new!