7 Ways to Cool Tented Events Without Using Tent Air Conditioners

Written by Tina Behnke | Mar 21, 2013 7:05:00 PM

We'll be the first to admit it -- tent air conditioners are not the only way to cool a tented event. Not every event -- or every budget -- is suited for tent air conditioners. But let's be honest, "sweaty and miserable" is not how you want guests to remember your event!

So we've put together a list to give you some ideas on how to keep tented events cool as the summer weather heats up along with an infographic that's easy on the eye.

7 Ways to Cool a Tented Event without using Tent Air Conditioners

Seek Shade
You may not always have much say over where the tent is located at a venue but if you do, always seek shade. Erecting a tent under tall trees may not be an option and many tent rental companies won't want to risk damage to the tent that can be caused from falling debris in the event of a storm. Look to see if there is a structure or embankment that would provide shade. This will keep the tent from heating up under the blazing sun.

Avoid Asphalt
A level paved surface may seem like the most likely place to erect the tent but I can guarantee you, it will be one of the hottest! Just think about when you walk into a parking lot in the middle of the summer and that heat comes up at you from the ground! A grassy surface will be much cooler than a paved lot.

Aim for Air Circulation
The worst thing you can do is button that tent up tight! Allow for a few panels to be open and try to get cross circulation throughout the tent. Ask someone at the venue the best way to site the tent to take advantage of the natural air currents. I can tell you that the wind at my house always comes from the back! 

Choose Ceiling Fans
Yes, you can get ceiling fans in a tent! Ask your tent rental company to add ceiling fans to the structure. The air movement inside the tent will really help keep the air moving and keep guests more comfortable. Moving warm air is better than moving no air!

Add Stand Alone Fans
If it's too difficult to add ceiling fans, or your tent is not high enough, you can look into renting stand alone fans to help with air circulation. Position the fans close to an opening to pull the air into and across the tent. Like we've said before, moving warm air is better than moving no air!

Evaporative Coolers
If your event is in a dry climate where there is low humidity, think about renting evaporative coolers or swamp coolers. This device is essentially a fan blowing air across a filter that is moist with water. As this happens, the temperature of the air is lowered. Now if your event is in a humid climate -- let's say the southeastern US -- don't even entertain the use of evaporative coolers! The last thing you need is more humidity in the tent. Evaporative coolers work best where there is low humidity.

Misters May Help
Obviously you probably won't want to use mist cooling at a wedding or fancy corporate event! For a family-focused, kid-friendly event misters can help keep guests cool and add an element of fun.


If you still want to rent tent air conditioners for your event you'll want to figure out how much tent air conditioning you need and work with a reliable rental company to choose the best type of air conditioning for your tented event. You only have one chance to get it right so plan now for a memorable and hassle-free event! We're just a click or call away if you want to get a rental quote or find out about the tent air conditioning method best for your tented event.

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