Winter Warmth Tips from The AirPac Crew

Written by Marlena Spencer | Nov 19, 2020 4:00:00 PM

Do you ever feel a little chilly but don't want to rent an electric heater? Maybe you're one of those people that are "always cold." Maybe your desk is by a drafty window or doorway. Maybe your basement is always colder than the rest of the house (hot air rises, remember).

Whatever the case, sometimes renting an electric heater is just going to give off too much heat. We at the AirPac headquarters have some tips!

Courtney: "Having an office blanket ("office blankie") is great for those really cold days, especially when your office has tile floors. At home, I cuddle with my dog since he's always warm."

Marlena: "Drink some hot tea and get a small heater to put under your desk. I also keep a big sweatshirt in my office for super cold days."

Carla: "I love drinking hot coco...with marshmallows, of course!"

Robert: "Wear a hat."

Dave: "Put on a coat?"

Tina: "I hate my feet being cold so I have an electric heat mat that goes under my desk to put my feet on. Other than that, I'm never cold!"

Marlin: "Drink some hot coffee, wear wool socks, and keep the heat in your head with a hat or hood."


Some Additional Tips:

To insulate against cold air, winterize your windows and doors with window seal strips and door draft stoppers

Snuggle up with an electric blanket, you can even get one for your car.

Don't forget! Winter air is not just cold, it's dry. Try using a humidifier in your home. Water vapor from the humidifier slightly increases the airs ability to hold heat and makes your nose and throat feel a lot better. Sorry DEHUITs!

Layer up! Wearing layers, like long underwear really helps, especially when wearing jeans.

At AirPac, we take comfort seriously. Just because you aren't able to rent industrial or commercial grade heaters for your home or office cubby doesn't mean we want you to freeze! But we are here when you need us. We hope you found these tips helpful and keep yourself toasty when the temps drop.