Small Business Survival Guide Should Include Emergency Cooling Plan

Written by Tina Behnke | Jul 14, 2011 6:33:00 PM

This infographic from Bolt Insurance Agency is incredible! This picture is worth MORE THAN 1000 words, that's for sure! I've reviewed this several times and my head spins with information overload. But I can't get enough! An Emergency Cooling Plan should be part of your Small Business Survival Guide.

Just a few information nuggets to think about:

  • 25% of Small businesses never reopen after a major disaster.

  • For businesses that don't resume operations within 10 days after the disaster, there's an 80% chance they won't survive. 

  • In the 20 years from 1986 - 2005, 24.5% of the disasters were from construction.

The Small Business Administration said, "Small business owners invest a tremendous amount of time, money, and resources to make their ventures successful, and yet, while the importance of emergency planning may seem self evident, it may get put on the back burner in the face of more immediate concerns. For small business owners, being prepared can mean staying in business following a disaster."

Emergency air conditioners can get you back up and running fast and help prevent further damage from mold and moisture. Portable spot coolers are a great "insurance policy" for air conditioning failures and recovery after disasters. You can even rent emergency AC for a few weeks till your central system is repaired or replaced.

What are you waiting for? Get plannin'!

Already have a Small Business Survival Guide or Emergency Cooling Plan? Share, please. Comment here and add your tips and guidance.

Infographic: Created for Bolt Insurance Agency by Infographic World.