6 Resources for DIY Air Conditioner and Spot Cooler Maintenance

Written by Tina Behnke | Sep 7, 2012 11:30:00 AM

What a wicked summer this has been!  Once summer is over bet you can't wait to turn off the air conditioner and forget about it till next spring.  And facilities folks are ready to roll the spot coolers into storage and forget about them till the next cooling emergency.

STOP!  Don't do it! 

Now is a great time to do some easy maintenance that will extend the life of your air conditioner or spot cooler and guarantee peak performance the next time you need to cool your home or business.

Check out these resources to help you.  Tackle the tasks yourself or hire a skilled HVAC technician to help.

  1. The best HVAC resource for any consumer is the Air Conditioning Contractors of America's (ACCA) consumer information section. You'll be able to locate a contractor in your area and download a tip sheet for getting the most from your HVAC systemTweet this!

  2. Check out this high-level quick overview for general maintenance on central air conditioning systems and window air conditioners from the folks at HowStuffWorks.  They provide general illustrations and great tips for DIYers.  Tweet this!

  3. Here's quick End of Summer AC Tips courtesy of Magnolia Plumbing, Heating and Cooling in Washington, DC.  These tips will work for both residential and commercial cooling.  Tweet this!

  4. Should you cover your outdoor condensing unit during the off-season? There are pros and cons to each approach.  This article from our friends at Bornstein Sons, Incorporated, discusses the benefits and disadvantages of the cover or go naked approach.  Tweet this!

  5. Even though we're talking about air conditioners and spot coolers, many residential and commercial units are HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) systems -- one system that performs all three functions...you got it...heating, ventilation and air conditioning.  This post from P.K. Wadsworth Heating and Cooling tells you what's involved in HVAC maintenanceTweet this!

  6. The end of the traditional air conditioning season is often the beginning of the spot cooling season!  Portable air conditioners are used year-round for many commercial cooling applications.  Here are our tips for keeping spot coolers in prime operating condition so they'll be ready when needed.  Tweet this!

Use these resources to keep your air conditioners and spot coolers in tip tip shape.  Some of the maintenance tasks you can do yourself and you'll have the resources at the ready to find a reliable HVAC contractor to service HVAC equipment and perform preventative maintenance.

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