If you are having any difficulty with the accessibility of our website, please contact our website provider directly by phone or email to get the fastest possible response.
The contact for accessibility issues is Tina Behnke Spencer:
We want everyone who visits the AirPac website to feel welcome and find the experience rewarding. In order to make our website accessible to individuals who rely on assistive technologies or alternative input devices, we are in the process of implementing the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 on our website. These guidelines explain how to design a website whose content is accessible to individuals who are disabled or rely on alternative and assistive technologies.
Our website provider is working hard to implement the WCAG standards, but we realize there may be some areas that still need improving. We want to hear from you.
Along with our website, we link to third party sites (such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Google) and may also include or embed third party content to share information and promotional content (such as products, blogs, et cetera).
We cannot control or correct problems with these third party sites, but please let us know if you encounter difficulty with the sites we link to so we can pass the information along to the owners of those websites. You may also want to address your concerns directly to these third parties.
Below are the publicly available Accessibility Policies of the third party sites we may use:
AirPac is your solution for portable, temporary, and emergency heating and cooling for special events, commercial spaces, and industrial processes. Comfortable air, anywhere.
AirPac, Incorporated
888 Shenandoah Shores Road
Front Royal, VA 22630
Phone: 540.635.5011
Fax: 540.622.2634
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