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Twas the Night Before the Event, and All Through The Tent...

Posted by: Marlena Spencer on Dec 23, 2024
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AirPac Christmas

Twas the night before the event, and all through the tent, Not a heater was stirring; the warmth had been spent.

The tables were set with precision and care, In hopes that warm guests soon would be there.

The planner was frantic, her breath in a cloud, Dreaming of happy guests, chatting aloud.

But the chill crept in, as frost kissed the air, “How will they stay cozy? It just isn’t fair!”

When out in the lot there arose such a clatter, She dashed from the tent to see what was the matter.

Away to the driveway, she flew like a flash, Slipping on snow in a near-dramatic crash.

The moon on the frost of the newly-laid snow Gave a shimmering light to the trucks down below.

When what to her wondering eyes should appear, But an AirPac crew, bringing warmth and good cheer.

With heaters in tow, so efficient and quick, She knew in a moment they’d solve the cold trick.

More rapid than eagles, their team got to work, Ensuring the chill would no longer lurk.

As frost that before the strong heaters would fly, The chill disappeared in the blink of an eye.

So into the tent the warm air it flew, Bringing comfort and joy to the whole event crew.

The planner, relieved, with a tear in her eye, Watched as guests entered, all warm and spry.

With blankets and cocoa, they laughed and they danced.

Not once did they notice the winter’s cold glance.

And then, in a twinkling, as the evening did end, The AirPac team packed up, like a trusty old friend.

“Your event was a success,” they said with a smile, “Call us again; we’ll go the extra mile!”

The planner exclaimed, as they drove out of sight, “Thanks to AirPac, it’s been a magical night! For heating your tents, they’re the best you’ll find, This holiday season, give AirPac a call to ease your mind!”

Happy Holidays,

The AirPac Crew

Tags: Tent Heater, Special Event Heating, Electric Heaters