Summer might seem far off, but if you work in an older building, you probably know that your HVAC system might be due for some repairs, especially if you haven't been in the office as much while working from home. For whatever reason, it seems typical that HVAC repairs and rebuilds often fall on the hottest months of the year, meaning unhappy employees and even lost work hours due to inhospitable conditions. Temperatures inside buildings where windows are sealed and unable to be opened can climb quickly, turning your place of work into a veritable furnace. As many return to the office, you want to make sure your building is ready.
A lot of these big projects lose sight of what really makes a business or institution work, and that is the comfort of their employees. In the summer months, temperatures in a building, which relies on HVAC for primary heating and cooling can reach dangerous levels. Temperatures can easily reach the triple digits, and that means unhappy employees and unhealthy conditions. Without AC, you can expect more sudden sick days, unfinished projects, and loss of morale. At the other end of the spectrum, hospitalizations and lawsuits can quickly become a reality. Nobody wants to be the boss that was unable to provide a safe workplace for their employees.
Bringing portable air conditioners into the building is no long-term fix for a functional HVAC system, but it does offer relief. Labors laws actually stipulate what safe working conditions are, so it is important to be mindful of providing a safe environment, suitable to the health and sustainability of your employees. OSHA's general recommendation is that temperatures at work be kept between 68-76° F with humidity control in the range of 20%-60%. Installation of our equipment is quick and easy, and in no-time your employees will have a cool, safe, air-conditioned office.
Contact us to beat the heat and get your plan going now. A cool environment will keep your employees happy, productive, and not leave your business stuck in the heat. There's no time for downtime this summer!