Summer certainly can bring challenges to the workplace. In addition to covering vacation time, you also need to find a way to keep employees and equipment cool under a variety of sweltering conditions that aren’t as difficult to endure during other seasons of the year. Here are some situations where spot cooling by AirPac can bring a welcome chill, providing a reasonable solution at minimal cost.
Hot manufacturing buildings: In midwinter, your employees probably appreciate working in the heat generated by the machines on your production line, but summer is another matter. Instead of attempting to cool the entire facility, which will significantly raise the cost of production, bring spot cooling to the exact locations where your employees work. A cool draft will keep work areas comfortable while not burning a hole in your energy budget.
- Sweltering data centers: These days just about all businesses have learned to recognize the value of cooling server rooms and data centers, as there are plenty of horror stories of crashes and lost data out there. But what if your older building configuration will not allow for a dedicated server room, and your servers have to share a larger space? Spot cooling can keep temperatures down and your servers and data safe. Spot cooling can also be very effective when you are renting your building and do not have the permission to make major changes to the cooling system or building configuration to meet your needs.
- When your business takes you outdoors: Whether you are catering an outdoor event or shooting the next blockbuster film in sweltering situations, your employees and staff may find themselves in summer circumstances where they suffer as they try to do their work. Setting up some spot coolers will give them a welcome breath of fresh, invigorating cool air and allow them to work more comfortably and will decrease the risk of heat-related health issues.
- Social Distancing: Smaller break rooms don't allow for employees to keep 6 feet of space from others. With many companies returning to the office or manufacturing facility, social distancing solutions are being put in place to adhere to CDC guidelines regarding the spread of Covid-19. Tents are a great way to make sure employees have enough space to take their break and keep a healthy distance from others. Adding spot coolers to a tented break area will give your workers the same comfort of a break room while adhering to the social distancing guidelines, keeping your company safe, comfortable, and on schedule.
If your summer scenarios include hot spaces, consider spot cooling to keep that heat in check. Contact AirPac to find the best solution to your sweltering summer problems.