My favorite kind of day is the two-season day. You know what I'm talking about. You wake up in the morning, the air is crisp and when you head outside to get the paper, you can see your breath and...

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  • Tent Air Conditioning and Heating - What to do When You Need BOTH
  • "Determining how much air conditioning you need for a tented event is as much of an art form as it is a science." Holly O'Dell, InTents Magazine I couldn't have said it better myself so why try! ...

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  • How to Determine the Right Amount of Tent Air Conditioning
  • All event planners and rental companies know In Tents Magazine is the go-to source for tented events, "delivering the total tent experience." In their August 2012 issue, Holly O'Dell's article, "...

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  • The Right Tent Air Conditioner Makes (or breaks!) Your Event
  • Most problems have multiple possible solutions. The world we live in is not just black and white -- there's a lot of gray. But when you want to air condition a tent in a small back yard -- or a small...

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  • What's the Best Tent Air Conditioner for a Small Back Yard?
    • YaGottaSee Audi's AMAZING 2-story Air Conditioned Tent
      You've heard of car envy, right? What about tent envy? I'm not talkin' about your ordinary fabric structure. I'm talkin' about beautiful, modern, stream-lined, 2-story Losberger US structures with...
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      Not All Wedding Tent Air Conditioners are Ugly and Noisy
      The proposal was magical. You said YES! Your ring is everything you ever wanted. You picked the date and a beautiful venue with an outdoor tent. Since you picked an outdoor tent, it's probably for...
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      AirPac Portable Air Conditioners -- Sponsor of The Bloom Sprint Tent
      When May rolls around all thoughts turn to The Bloom in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley! For the third year, we're proud to be a sponsor of the Sprint Tent and providing spot cooling for special events...
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